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Description: Nederland, 17 feb 2009.
Voestalpine Polynorm BV. Polynorm stansstraat. Persen stansen auto plaatwerkdelen. Autoindustrie. Mensen aan het werk.
With around 3000 employees and 6 production and engineering centres, Polynorm is a global player with a local presence. Production and engineering centres are found in The Netherlands, Germany, The United Kingdom and The United States.
Polynorm has established a leading position in Body-In-White processing and manufacturing, with a unique selling proposition in the form of ultra-large and complex class-A skin panels. On top of which Polynorm offers multiple material capability in steel, aluminium, fibre-reinforced and injection moulded plastics.
COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts.

Keywords: Auto, Auto's, Auto-onderdelen, Autoindustrie, Autorijden, Camion, Chauffeurs, collega's, Economie, Goederenvervoer, Industrie, Infrastructuur, Logistiek, Mercedes, Milieu, Mobiliteit, Motoren, Plaatwerk, Staal, Stanspers, Stansstraat, Technologie, Transport, Truck, Verkeer en vervoer, Verkeersveiligheid, Vervoer, Vrachtvervoer, Wegen, Wegennet, Wegvervoer, Werknemers

Copyright: COPYRIGHT Chris Pennarts
Blokland 82 - 3417 MR Montfoort

Byline: Pennarts, Chris

Software: ND EDIT Image Bank

Name: 3503721912.jpg

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