Description: Frankrijk, 17 augustus 2011. Rully, Frans dorpje Rully, in de Bourgogne. Chateau St. Michel .
Rully is een gemeente in het Franse departement SaķĒne-et-Loire (regio Bourgondiķ) en telt 1463 inwoners (1999). De plaats maakt deel uit van het arrondissement Chalon-sur-SaķĒne.
The Chķ¢teau de Rully is a castle in the commune of Rully in the SaķĒne-et-Loire dķ©partement of France. Located on the side of a hill, the castle dominates the whole region, facing the plain leading to the SaķĒne. To the west, it commands the valley towards Nantoux and Chassey-le-Camp.
Vineyards of Chassey-le-Camp form part of the Bouzeron appellation d'origine contrķĒlķ©e in the Cote Chalonnaise sub-region of Burgundy. Bouzeron is an appellation for white wine made exclusively from the Aligotķ© grape, created in 1998. Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines are also produced in the commune, but sold under the appellations Bourgogne rouge or blanc or Bourgogne CķĒte Chalonnaise.
Copyright: Chris Pennarts Fotograaf - Blokland 82 - 3417 mr - Montfoort +31653 309747
Byline: chris pennarts
City: Rully
Country: Frankrijk
Software: MagImageBank
Name: 4002806605.jpg